Two Ends

Two Ends

TWO ENDS (2011)

Wood, eco resin, paint, natural and recycled materials.
8 feet x 2.5 feet x 5.5 feet

(Installation: Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, Massachusetts)

Two Ends depicts the extreme ends of the United States/Mexico border, based on site visits, and first-hand photographic documentation. One border end concludes in a Texas salt-water estuary, emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. The other ends with the fence line descending into the Pacific Ocean in Tijuana. One end presents an open border void of people, the other a heavily guarded border. Accompanying these sculptures are De St. Croix’s drawings based on his research.

Detailed ink drawings and Research (U.S./Mexico Border and Return to U.S/Mexico Border) in support of the project and its research can be viewed in the respective sections.